The Timmins Economic Development Corporation’s mission is to facilitate sustainable growth in Timmins and its vision is to be the most impactful and emulated organization in Northeastern Ontario. In order to achieve our mission and our vision, we are showcasing our funding metrics from the first three quarters of 2016.
2016 Funding Metrics – Third Quarter 2016 Update
As our 2015 Annual Report has been released, we are pleased to confirm that we exceeded nearly all of the goals we set for ourselves for 2015. As a result, the Corporation supported the creation of 101 jobs and leveraged just over $7.5 million in funding for clients. That translates into an 8:1 return on investment of city tax dollars allocated to the TEDC.
This infographic provides highlights from just a few of the the many business and community projects in which the TEDC participated, as well as an overview of the goals we set for ourselves and how they were met. If you’d like to learn more about some of our other projects, and the partners we work with, please get in touch with us.
Go to the full Annual Report here.
Projects supported by the TEDC include:
Start, expand or purchase a business.
Set your business apart.
1-130 Spruce St. S.
Timmins, Ontario P4N 2M5
T 705-360-2656
TF 1-877-470-TEDC (8332)
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