Home • Timmins Diversity Awareness Project
The Timmins Diversity Awareness Project is an initiative led by a diverse group of community partners and local residents, and facilitated by the Timmins Economic Development Corporation. The overall goal of the project is to foster a welcoming and inclusive community by addressing racism and discrimination in Timmins and building awareness of the many cultures that exist in the city.
The project includes a series of videos featuring local residents sharing their stories, as well as a workplace-focused initiative that provides businesses and organizations with resources and tools to promote inclusive workplaces.
Research shows that businesses with inclusive workplace practices experience improved employee retention and satisfaction, increased productivity and financial returns, and higher levels of innovation.
A Workplace Inclusion Charter promotes building inclusive and welcoming workplaces through a declaration of commitment to diversity and inclusion. It acknowledges that employees deserve to feel safe, respected, valued, and supported at work.
The Timmins Workplace Inclusion Charter includes 16 commitments across five categories: Communication, Culture and Leadership, Policies, Recruitment and Onboarding, and Training and Development.
Businesses and organizations can be recognized as Inclusion Champions within the community by completing a minimum number of commitments. The Charter includes tools and resources to help support employers in their journey towards creating more inclusive workplaces.
Contact the TEDC at inclusioncharter@timmins.ca for more information, to sign on to the Charter, or for access to tools and resources.
The following businesses and organizations have already signed the declaration document in support of the Workplace Inclusion Charter.
The videos include the Timmins, Together logo as a unifying message. Developed in 2019 as a collaboration between community partners, Timmins, Together has the broader aim of addressing all forms of discrimination in the Timmins area. Through awareness, education, and understanding, Timmins, Together works to make the community more inclusive and welcoming for all, a goal that aligns perfectly with the Timmins Diversity Awareness Project.
For more information about Timmins, Together or if your organization would like to use the logo for a relevant event/project, please contact the Timmins & District Multicultural Centre at info@timminsmulticultural.ca.
In early 2021, a survey of Timmins residents was undertaken to gather feedback from community members on their experiences of racism or discrimination in Timmins. You can access the survey report here.
Made possible in part by the Government of Canada, the project received funding from the Department of Canadian Heritage as part of the Anti-Racism Action Program (ARAP).
Thank you to our Project Advisory Group members who provided instrumental guidance throughout the project. Members included local residents, the City of Timmins, Timmins and District Multicultural Centre, Timmins Local Immigration Partnership, Newcomers Encouraging Self-Empowerment in Timmins, Timmins Native Friendship Centre, Reseau du Nord, Université de Hearst, Collège Boreal, Northern College, Timmins Chamber of Commerce, and members of the Indigenous Advisory Committee.
Finally, a tremendous thank you and appreciation to our video participants for sharing their stories with us: Gary Martin, Jules Tapas, Musharat Shaikh, and Noémie Rodrigue.
Projects supported by the TEDC include:
Start, expand or purchase a business.
Set your business apart.
1-130 Spruce St. S.
Timmins, Ontario P4N 2M5
T 705-360-2656
TF 1-877-470-TEDC (8332)
E tedc@timmins.ca
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